We held our annual Hostess and Customer Appreciation event this pass Saturday and it was so very nice to get together for a fun afternoon.
As a group with SC and Company we appreciate YOU the hostess for opening your homes and inviting your friends for a workshop. We appreciate YOU the customer for your support and shared delight in the Stampin’Up! product. Thank you from SC and Company.
These are pictures from the event. We had an awesome make and take (picture 1) where Sharon designed another awesome card. Several commented it would be their valentine for their sweetheart. Our demonstrators Judi and MaryCarmen were right there to assist in making the card.
We had retired stamps to sell and treats to eat. (picture 2) Wooo Hoooo door prizes were held all afternoon and everyone went away a winner. Even the young artists enjoyed making cards and eating treats!! (picture 3)
Again, thank you to our Hostesses and Customers for your shared love and support of the art of stamping.
Happy Stamping!!!
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